The Flames and Cries of Justice

Umme Abeeha Abidi
June 29, 2020

A creative writing piece

The blue skies splattered with blood, which then was soaked up by the ground; this was the blood of innocent men and women. The ground was laden with dead bodies. These bodies belonged to humans killed out of spite. How do they sleep at night knowing they have blood of innocent people on their hands? Their names are known nationwide for their actions. Flames of justice dance on the horizon as the victims’ families demand justice. Others join in this demand for justice; they are tired of seeing only bloodshed, but no action being taken. Even death knows that vengeance should be taken upon the guilty ones. They can run and shout but their screams won’t be heard, the deaths of the innocent will be avenged. After all, everything you do will always come back at you. This is a cry for justice from the Muslims of Syria and Palestine, from black people all over the world. Work together and kill racism once and for all.

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